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About Yael's Friends

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Founded in 2003, Yael’s Friends is owned and run by Yael Feder, a social worker, writer, actress, director, and composer.

For the past 17 years we, at Yael's Friends, deal with complex educational issues in a professional and sensitive manner. With hundreds of shows every year, more than one million children all over the world have experienced Yael's Friends programs, which include theater shows for children, movies, books, and lectures for parents, and educational staff members. Our shows are highly recommended by the Israeli Department of Education, and our work with children, parents and educational staff makes a significant difference every year. 


Our show & educational program My Body Belongs to Me, raises awareness about child sexual abuse prevention, and creates a language for parents and educational staff members to use with children when dealing with safeguarding issues.

This program raises awareness about child sexual abuse prevention, and creates a language for parents and educational staff 

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My Body Belongs to Me

my body belongs to me
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